The International Conference on Business and Technology (ICBT 2021) is organized by EuroMid Academy of Business & Technology (EMABT) in collaboration with Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Kelantan, Malaysia. This university will be hosting the conference from November 6 -7th, 2021. The objective of the conference is to gather leading academicians, scholars, and researchers to share their knowledge and new ideas as well as to discuss current development in the fields of business, education, social, and technology. In addition, the conference also offers opportunities for academicians and industry experts to meet and interact with local and international participants.
Paper Submission Deadline: October 15, 2021
Notification to participants about papers’ acceptance or rejection: October 20, 2021
Deadline for registration payment of authors of accepted papers: October 25, 2021
Conference Dates: November 6-7, 2021
Submission of Full Paper must be done electronically through the Springer OCS online submission system. To submit your paper, click on the following link:
Note: Before you submit, please use the following form:
Springer-Template_ (Camera-Ready Paper)
: يرجى إرسال الأبحاث باللغة العربية عبر الرابط الآتي
Topics of interests for submission include, but are not limited to:
- Business: Accounting, Banking, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Marketing, Supply Chain, Logistics, Transportation, Tourism, Hospitality, Health Care, Human Resource, Government, Management, Administration.
- Technology: Applied Sciences, Animation, Communication, Information Technology, Information System, Multimedia, IR 4.0, Engineering Technology, Environmental Science, Power and Energy Engineering, Renewable Energy.
The paper can be submitted in the following languages:
• English
• Arabic
Papers accepted for the ICBT2021 after the double-blind peer-review process will be published in the conference proceedings (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, SpringerNature’s proceedings), indexed by SCOPUS, Google Scholar and Springerlink. The Book proceedings title ‘’Business and Technologies: Opportunities and Challenges’’.
Additionally, selected papers that have been presented at the conference will also be considered for further development of a possible publication in the highly esteemed partner journals listed below. Note that journal editors are provided with the conference proceedings and will make selections if they feel work is appropriate and of sufficient quality for the journal. If invited to publish in a journal authors will be expected to develop the work by 40-50%, including a change of title and abstract. Individual journal procedures will need to be followed and there is no guarantee of publication. Of course, this will include one or more of the following journals:
- Competitiveness Review, Special Issue– Emerald Publishing, (Scopus, ABDC, Q1).
- Journal of Strategic Marketing, Special Issue – Taylor and Francis, (Scopus, ABDC, Q2).
- Measuring Business Excellence, Special Issue– Emerald Publishing, (Scopus, ABDC, Q2).
- Journal of Decision Systems, Special Issue – Taylor and Francis, (Scopus, ABDC, Q3).
- International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR), Special Issue, IGI Global Publishing, (Scopus, ABDC, Q3).
- Jordan Journal of Business Administration, Special Issue – University of Jordan, (Scopus, ABDC, Q3).
- Journal of Information & Knowledge Management (JIKM), Regular Issue – Word Scientific, (Scopus, ABDC, Q3)
- International Journal of Islamic Marketing and Branding (IJIMB), Special Issue, Inderscience Publishers.
- Journal of Business and Socio-economic Development (JBSED), Regular Issue– Emerald
- The International Journal of Business Ethics and Governance (IJBEG), Special Issue-EMBAT.
جميع الأبحاث العربية المقبولة للعرض في المؤتمر ستنشر في أحد المجلات العربية الأتية:
1-المجلة الأردنية في إدارة الأعمال، عدد خاص، الجامعة الأردنية، الأردن.
3- مجلة ريادة الأعمال الاسلامية Journal of Islamic Entrepreneurship (IJMSIT)
4- مجلة القيادة والادارة الاسلامية Journal of Islamic Management and Leadership
5- المجلة العالمية للتسويق الاسلامي International Journal of Islamic Banking
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Our World Class SpeakersMajor speakers below, see all list on the speakers page
Prof. Roselina Ahmad Saufi
Professor Dr. Roselina Ahmad Saufi is currently a Professor in Business and Management at the Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business, a Fellow for Global Entrepreneurship Research and Innovation Center, and Chairman of Professor Council at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. She obtained her Ph.D and Master of Business Administration in 1995 and 1991 respectively from the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom. She was the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and International) at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan from 2012-2015 and prior to that she was the Group Managing Director of UMS Link Holdings Sdn. Bhd. from 2007-2012. From 2008 to 2010 she was the President of Comprehensive Human Capability Association, Inc. (Philippines) in Zamboanga. She has received several international awards including Islamic Leader Fellowship Award by Asian Institute of Management (AIM), Manila in 2009, Education Leadership Award by the Golden Global Tigers in 2016, and Distinguished Women Award for Human Resource Management from the Venus International Foundation, India in 2017. In 2015 she was seconded to Azman Hashim International Business School, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia untill 2018.
She has delivered numerous key note speeches at several international conferences and published works in the areas of human resource development, knowledge transfers and entrepreneurship in reputable journals. She was a Visiting Professor at Anhui Xinhua University, P.R. China, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, Indonesia, Xiamen University, and DRB-HICOM University of Automotive. Currently, she is a Fellow at the Putra Business School, Malaysia. She has produced more than 50 doctorate and master students in the areas of organisational studies and human resource. She is passionate in leading and developing people around the globe. She believes that success comes with strong values, passion and hard work.
Dr. Bahaaeddin Alareeni
Bahaaeddin Alareeni is an Assistant Professor of Accounting and Auditing. He did his PhD’s thesis in Accounting and Auditing on the relative performance of auditors’ going concern opinions and statistical failure prediction models for listed companies in Jordan. His main research interests are in the areas of Auditing, Accounting, the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Internal Audit, Financial Accounting, and financial analysis. He has practical experience in the Accounting profession for more than ten years in different organizations, e.g., banking, NGOs, government sector, and private institutions. Additionally, he has academic experience in accounting and auditing for more than eight years and has taught considerable types of students in different types of courses, mostly all courses of undergraduate accounting programs in addition to several MSc and MBA courses. On top of that, he has many publications in highly ranked journals (ISI-with impact factor, Scopus, ABDC, ABS). He is Editor/Associate Editor for several Books and Journals published by Emerald, SpringerNature, Tylor&Francise. It is worth mentioning that he is currently working for the Middle East Technical University (METU) in Turkey – Northern Cyprus Campus, which is one of the top 550 universities in the world based on the QS ranking 2018.
Prof. Allam Hamdan
Allam Hamdan is a Full Professor, Dean of College of Business and Finance at Ahlia University. Author of many publications in regional and international journals that discussed several accountings, financial and economic issues concerning the Arab world. In addition, he has interests in educational related issues in the Arab world universities like educational governance, investment in education and economic growth.
Awarded the First Prize of Al-Owais Creative Award, UAE, 2019 and 2017; the Second Prize of Rashid bin Humaid Award for Culture and Science, UAE, 2016; the Third Prize of Arab Prize for the Social Sciences and Humanities, 2015, and the First Prize of “Durrat Watan”, UAE, 2013.
Achieved the highest scientific research citation among the Arab countries according to ARCIF 2018 and 2019. Member of National Qualifications Framework NQF – Validation Panel, and appeal committee, General Directorate of NQF, Kingdom of Bahrain. Member of Steering Committee in International Arab Conference of Quality Assurance of Higher Education.

Prof. Carolyn Strong
Carolyn is a Reader in Marketing at Cardiff Business School where she teaches marketing with a focus on ethical, environmental, and social issues. She is currently the BSc Business Management Programme Director and a Cardiff Business School Public Value Engagement Fellow. She is also Cardiff Business Schools Academic Director of Estates, a role which to date has successfully implemented sustainability and circular economy into all of the Business Schools space development and refurbishment projects.
She has published in Journal of Business Research, Marketing Letters, European Journal of Marketing, and Journal of Advertising, among others, and will shortly publish an edited collection of ethical and social marketing contributions. Carolyn is the long-standing Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Strategic Marketing where she strives to support publications from established academics and to encourage early-career academics to develop their work from conception to publication.
Prof. Munira Aminova
Experienced Higher Education management leader with a demonstrated history of working in the research industry. Skilled in International Relations, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), International Law, Policy Analysis, and Intercultural Communication. Strong education professional with a PhD in Political Sciences focused in Public Administration and Governace from Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Prof. Khaled Hussainey
Khaled Hussainey is a Professor of Accounting & Financial Management at the University of Portsmouth. He has published more than 110-refereed papers in academic journals and international conference proceedings. He has a rapidly growing research reputation around his principal research area concerned with corporate narrative reporting. He has been awarded the prestigious 2007 Best Paper Award of the British Accounting Review for his paper “Loss firms’ annual report narratives and share price anticipation of earnings” and the prestigious 2012 Best Paper Award of the Journal of Risk Finance for his paper “Revisiting the capital structure puzzle: UK evidence”. His publication appears top-quality journals such as Accounting and Business Research, British Accounting Review, International Review of Financial Analysis; Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting and Journal of International Accounting, Auditing, and Taxation. He is a Co-Editor-in-Chief ofJFRA and Associate Editor of JAAR and IJAAPE.
Prof. Olaf Weber
University Research Chair in Sustainable Finance, School of Environment, Enterprise and Development (SEED), University of Waterloo, Canada.
Prof. Mohammad Kabir Hassan
Professor Dr. Mohammad Kabir Hassan is Professor of Finance in the Department of Economics and Finance in the University of New Orleans. He currently holds three endowed Chairs-Hibernia Professor of Economics and Finance, Hancock Whitney Chair Professor in Business, and Bank One Professor in Business- in the University of New Orleans. Professor Hassan is the winner of the 2016 Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Prize in Islamic Banking and Finance. Professor Hassan received his BA in Economics and Mathematics from Gustavus Adolphus College, Minnesota, USA, and M.A. in Economics and Ph.D. in Finance from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA respectively. Dr. Hassan stood first in combined merit list in the Secondary School Certificate (SSC, equivalent to O level) in 1978 from Comilla Zilla School, Comilla, Bangladesh in 1978 and Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC, equivalent to A level) in 1980 from Comilla Victoria Government College, Comilla, Bangladesh in 1980, respectively.
Professor Hassan is a financial economist with consulting, research and teaching experiences in development finance, money and capital markets, Islamic finance, corporate finance, investments, monetary economics, macroeconomics, Islamic banking and finance, and international trade and finance. Professor Hassan has done consulting work for the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, African Development Bank, Transparency International-Bangladesh (TIB), Islamic Development Bank, United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Bangladesh Bank, the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (SAMA), Government of Turkey and many private organizations. Professor Hassan has been elected a Board Member of Ethics and Governance Committee and Education Board of the Accounting and Auditing Organization for the Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI). Professor Hassan has recently been appointed as the Distinguished Visiting Professor at the National University of Malaysia (UKM). Dr. Hassan has recently been elected to the Advisory Council of the World Zakat Forum (WZF), 2021-2023. Professor has also been selected to be a member of Oxford University Said Business School faith-based investing initiative advisory board Member in 2021. He has also been selected to be member of Christin Michelson Institute (CMI) in 2021.
Dr. Hassan has served as Associate Chair from 2001-2004, and currently is serving Graduate Program Coordinator of Ph.D. in Financial Economics. Professor Kabir Hassan holds numerous on-campus academic service positions. He was in the Committee on Academic Computing (University): 1998-2001, and Graduate Program Committee (College): 1998-2004, 2007-2020. Professor Hassan is a member of Instructional Resources and Responsibilities Group. (College), Teaching Effectiveness Committee. (Department), Graduate Program Committee. (Department), and Departmental Seminar Committee. (Department). He is the Faculty Advisor for Financial Management Association Honor Society of UNO student chapter (Department). He also holds academic service position in Internal Review of Ph.D. Program in Financial Economics (Department) as well as Departmental Search Committee in Finance: 1994-1995; 1995-1996 (Department). Professor Kabir Hassan is the Chair of Finance Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination Committee, Monetary Theory and Institutions and member of MBA Program Committee (College): 1996-2000; 2008-2020 as well as member of Graduate Council: 2015-2020.
Dr. Hassan has provided academic leaderships to several organizations such as President of Southwest Finance Association (SWFA), Southwestern Society of Economist (SSE), Academy of International Business-US Southwest and Academy of Economic and Development Studies on Bangladesh (AEDSB). The positions include Financial Markets and Institutions Program Committee Chair: Southern Finance Association (2017), Financial Markets and Institutions Program Committee Chair: Eastern Finance Association (2017), Vice President-Local Arrangement, Eastern Finance Association Meeting (2015), President, Southwest Finance Association Meetings (SWFA): 2015-16, Vice-President Program Southwestern Finance Association Meetings (SWFA): 2014-15, Treasurer, Southwest Finance Association Meetings (SWFA): 2012-14, Chapter Chair, AIB-USSW: 2013-14, Chapter Chair, AIB-US SW: 2003-2007, President, Southwestern Society of Economists (SSE): 2006-2007, Program Chair and President Elect, Southwestern Society of Economists (SSE): 2005-2006, President, AIB-USSW: 2002-2003, Vice-President, AIB-US-SW: 2000, President, Association for Economic and Development Studies on Bangladesh, 2005-2007, Vice President, AEDSB: 2000, General Secretary, AEDSB: 1997-1998, General Secretary, Islamic Economics Research Bureau, Dhaka, Bangladesh: 1998-1999; 2000-2001, Assistant General Secretary, Association for Economic and Development Studies on Bangladesh (AEDSB), 1993-95; 1995-1997. He was member of Board of Directors, Academy of Financial Services: 1996-1999. He is currently board member of Southern Finance Association (SFA).
Professor Hassan has over 350 papers [225 SCOPUS, 108 SSCI, 58 ESCI, 227 ABDC, 161 ABS] published as book chapters and in top refereed academic journals. The number of publications would put Professor Hassan in the top 1% of peers who continue to publish one refereed article per year over a long period of time according to an article published in Journal of Finance. Professor Hassan has also been cited as one of the most prolific authors in finance literature in the last fifty years in a paper published in Journal of Finance Literature. His publication record puts him among the top 5.6% of all authors who published in the 26 leading finance journals. He is among the top 5% authors according to number of Journal Pages at RePAC/IDEAS. Professor Hassan is among the top three presenters in the Financial Management Annual Meetings during 1990-2013. He has won 32 Best Paper Awards from Academic Conference presentations. Professor Hassan has been honored by the fellow members of Academy of Economics and Finance for life-long contribution to teaching and research in 2016 and 2018 respectively. Professor Hassan has an H-index of 63 from Google Scholar. A frequent traveler, Dr. Hassan gives lectures and workshops in the US and abroad and has presented over 454 research papers at professional conferences and has delivered 245 invited papers/seminars. For his outstanding research and scholarly work, Dr. Hassan has been recognized with Lifetime Achievement Award by UNO Research Council in 2019. Professor Hassan visited many international universities as Distinguished Visiting Professor.
Professor Hassan has supervised 64 doctoral theses at the University of New Orleans and acted as External examiners for 49 dissertations from countries like Australia, New Zealand, USA, India, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Canada. Many of his students are now well placed in the academia (Department Chairs, Deans and Professors), government (Secretary, Under-Secretary and Central Bank Deputy Governor) and private sectors (CEO and CFO). Professor Hassan has evaluated promotion documents of many faculty members from the USA and abroad.
Professor Hassan has numerous teaching awards for his outstanding teaching from the University of New Orleans and outside academic organizations. His teaching awards include Jamaica Executive MBA, JEMBA (2002, 2003, 2009), US EMBA (1999, 2000, 2003, 2007, 2015), Executive master’s in health care management EMHCM (2002, 2003, 2015), Thompson-Reuters Outstanding Educator (2002, 2004, 2006), UNO College of Business Administration Professor of the Year (2001), UNO Favored Professor (1998), University of Nebraska-Lincoln Graduate Assistant Award (1990). Professor Hassan won 27 Teaching Awards from UNO and external academic and professional organizations. He has also received 2017 Islamic Banking and Finance Excellence Award, COMSATS, Lahore, Pakistan, 2018 University of New Orleans Gordon H. “Nick” Mueller International Leadership Medallion, 2019, 2019 University of Louisiana System Outstanding Faculty Member Award and 2019 UNO Library Book Prize Award.
Professor Hassan is the Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management (SCOPUS, ABDC, ABS and SSCI) published by Emerald UK, Senior Editor International Journal of Emerging Markets (SCOPUS, ABDC, ABS and SSCI) published by Emerald UK and Associate Editor of Review of International Business and Finance (SCOPUS, ABDC, ABS and ESCI) published by Elsevier, International Review of Economics and Finance (SCOPUS, ABDC, ABS and ESCI) published by Elsevier and Pacific-Basin Finance Journal ((SCOPUS, ABDC, ABS and ESCI) published by Elsevier, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance (ABDC, ABS, SCOPUS, ESCI) published by Elsevier, The Global Finance Journal (ABDC, ABS, SCOPUS, ESCI) published by Elsevier, International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance (SCOPUS) published by Inderscience, Arab Law Quarterly (ABDC, ABS, SCOPUS, ESCI) published by Brill, Review of Financial Economics (ABDC, ABS, SCOPUS, ESCI) published by John Wiley, Eurasian Business Review (ABDC, ABS, SCOUS, SSCI) published by Springer. . He has guest edited special Issues for Thunderbird International Business Review (SCOPUS, ABDC, ABS, ESCI), published by John Wiley, International Journal of Business and Society (SCOPUS, ESCI, ABDC), Review of Financial Economics (SCOPUS, ESCI, ABDC) published by Wiley, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance (SCOPUS, ESCI, ABDC) published by Elsevier, Singapore Economic Review (SCOPUS, ABDC, ABS and SSCI) published by World-Scientific, International Review of Economics and Finance (SCOPUS, ABDC, ABS and ESCI) published by Elsevier and Review of International Business and Finance (SCOPUS, ABDC, ABS and ESCI) published by Elsevier, Eurasian Economic Review (SCOPUS, ABDC, ABS) published by Springer. Professor Hassan also sits on editorial board of a good number of journals published by Elsevier, Emerald, Wiley, Springer, and several universities around the globe. Professor Hassan serves on the Editorial Board 30 journals spread around all regions of the world.
Professor Hassan has also edited and published 23 scholarly books and 3 textbooks on Islamic banking and finance. Kabir is the co-editor (with Mervyn K. Lewis) of Handbook of Islamic Banking, and Islamic Finance, The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics (Edward Elgar, 2007), Handbook on Islam and Economic Life (Edward Elgar, 2014), and co-editor (with Michael Mahlknecht) Islamic Capital Market: Products and Strategies (John Wiley and Sons, 2011). He is co-author of Islamic Entrepreneurship (Routledge UK, 2010). Dr. Hassan has written the first textbook (co-authored with Dr Kayed and Dr. Oseni) on Islamic Finance that was published by Pearson in 2013. His book Handbook of Empirical Research on Islam and Economic Life was published in December 2016 by Edward Elgar Publishing Company. He coauthored with Ahcene Lahsasna and Rubi Ahmad “Forward Lease Sukuk in Islamic Capital Market: Structure and Governing Rules” published by Palgrave-Springer, New York in 2019. His another textbook “An Introduction to Islamic Finance” co-authored with Salman Sheikh and Selim Kayhan is published in 2020 by the World Scientific Press. Professor Hassan’s edited volume with Professor Mehmet Sarac on Islamic Perspectives on Sustainable Financial Development is published by Istanbul University Press in 2020. His co-edited book with Aishath Muneeza and Adel Sarea COVID19 and Islamic Social Finance is published by Routledge in 2020. He has three other books on Islamic finance, and machine learning in finance and economics are scheduled to be published by Routledge and World Scientific Publishing in 2021.
Professor Hassan has interviewed in all major new and media services worldwide. He interviewed on “Business Asia” Program in CNN on Corruption in Emerging Markets. His research featured in The Forbes, Reuters, The Economist, New Orleans City Business, The Advocate, The Bangladesh Observer, The Financial Express, The Bangladesh Times, The Daily Star, The Independent, The Daily Ittefaq, The JanKantha, and the Daily Sangram, The City Business (New Orleans), The Tempo (the National Indonesian Daily), National Public Radio and British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Voice of America (VOA), Bangladesh TVs (Channel I, NTV, RTV, Bangla Vision, ETV and ATN Bangla), Smart Beta (a podcast on research in economics, finance and management), National Public Radio (NPR), CBS, FOX, NBC, and North American Regional TV Channels such as FTB and TBN24.
Professor Kabir Hassan has served public both in US and abroad in various capacities. He was Advisor, Bangladesh Student Association, 1996-current, General Secretary, Islamic Economics Research Bureau, 1997-98, Member, New Orleans Museum of Arts, 1992, Member, Board of Directors, Asian-Pacific American Society, 1991-current, General Secretary, Louisiana Bangladesh Society, 1991-92, President, Bangladesh Student Organization, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1989-90, President, Omicron Delta Epsilon, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1986 and President, International Student Organization, Gustavus Adolphus College, 1984. Currently he is advisor to Muslim Student Association (MSA) at UNO.
Prof. Derar Eleyan
Dr. Eleyan a British citizen of Palestinian origin. He has been selected recently to be a judge in Reimagine Education for the Education Oscar Awards for 2020. He is now an associate professor in Information Systems Engineering and serving as a president assistant of Palestine Technical University Kadoorie. He has an excellent relevant diversity experience in academia and industry. He has a PhD in Information Systems Engineering from Manchester University 2006 and MSc in Business Information Technology from London South Bank University London 2003. He has a PGCE degree in Education from Bolton University. He served five years as an assistant professor at Birzeit University in the Department of Computer Science teaching variety of courses at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels and supervising MSc. Previously, he worked also as lecturer and course team leader in computing at South Essex college affiliated by Essex University, where he taught various modules as, information system, project management, database, web database, and website management, Computer and Business Ethics, Research methods. He has a good expertise as an Information Systems Consultant at BAS Computer Systems a private company since 2003 till 2006. On 2006, He was a visiting lecturer at the University of Manchester, teaching an MSc course of Enterprise System Modelling, collaborating with Prof. Loucopoulos. He was an external reviewer to some international conferences and international journals in information science, information systems and business process modelling, computer science and information security. Supervising many MSc and PhD students in Business, Information Systems and Computer Science. His research interests focus in System dynamics, software quality, Information Systems, Business Process Modelling, Customer service and satisfaction and return on investment, information technology management, IT project management, Quality of Service, Academic quality and performance evaluation, Business and computer ethics, Software testing quality assurance, Usability and e-commerce websites, Web decision systems. He is a member of some societies as British Computer Society (BCS), Institute for Learning (IFL), Systems Dynamics Society (SDS). Dr. Eleyan is a founding member of Experts for Education Initiative in Palestine. Dr. Eleyan has contributed in organizing several international conferences in Jordan, France, UK and Turkey. Dr. Eleyan published more than fifty research papers in renowned journal and conference. He was a managing director of Hans sidle Technological training center for five years and programmer and developer at the Arab Bank for two years.

Prof. Dr. Kateryna A. Alekseieva
Kateryna A. Alekseieva is PhD (Public Administration), Professor of the Production and Investment Management Department, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.
Scientific interests: public administration, state regulating of economy, crisis management, preventing of forming and development of the economic and social crises, digitalization of economy.
Kateryna A.Alekseieva published about 70 scientific publications in both Ukrainian and foreign journals.
The qualification rising:
Training program for the scientific and pedagogical staff», Mendel University, Czech Republic (2017 р.)
Internship at the Slovak Agrarian University, Nitra, March 2019 (Certificate about passing the internship from 03/15/2019).
Member of the teaching mobility program via Erasmus+ in Wyższa Szkoła Ekologii i Zarządzania w Warszawie (University of Ecology and Management in Warsaw) in October 2019
She has 14 years of experience as a Professor of the University and has provided teaching of different disciplines in Management and Economics.
Main courses: investment management, operational management, crisis management.
Contact information:
E-mail: katerinaalex@ukr.net
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